Monday, January 9, 2012

MonaVie Provides Answer to Economic Downturn

The New York Times reported this week ( that household incomes continue to decline two years after the recession was declared officially over. As the economy continues to struggle, millions of people are seeking for an opportunity to either replace or subsidize their income as a result of corporate lay-offs, reduction in pay or the threat of a pending job loss. Often, additional income of $500 a month is the difference between someone keeping or losing their home, according to the Direct Selling Association.
Perhaps there has never been a better time for the direct sales industry to come to the rescue of individuals and families in need. Direct selling represents a recession-proof job and a unique opportunity for motivated individuals to start and substantially grow their own direct sales business.
In an October 2010 issue of Network Marketing Business Journal, veteran industry expert Dr. Keith Laggos identified the characteristics that someone should look for when seeking to join a direct sales company. Not surprisingly, the MonaVie opportunity features all of the important traits he mentions:
  • Low cost fees to enter
  • Low initial monthly financial requirements
  • Products and services that are of superior quality, but competitively priced
  • A compensation plan that allows beginners to obtain profitability quickly
  • A compensation plan that lets distributors earn fast start and other bonuses early so that they can earn a positive income fast
But these features alone don’t begin to explain the MonaVie phenomenon. Starting with the acai berry sourced from the depths of the Amazon Rain forest, MonaVie has produced a line of premium nutritional products made from the rarest of ingredients on earth that offer solutions to the most pressing health issues facing people today.
On top of that, MonaVie has coupled its line of exceptional products with the most innovative and dynamic compensation plan in the history of direct sales that features 10 ways to earn income and 50% of the sales volume paid out in distributor commissions.
Measured by any standard, MonaVie represents the right opportunity at the right time. The evidence of this can be gauged by its success. In 2009, four years after its founding, the Inc. 500 listed MonaVie as the No. 1 fastest-growing private company in the Food & Beverage category, and Ernst & Young named Dallin A. Larsen, MonaVie’s founder, chairman and CEO, Entrepreneur of the Year.
More than a million MonaVie consumers and distributors in 19 countries have discovered a more meaningful life as they have used and marketed MonaVie product. At a time when governments and organizations of all kinds are struggling to find solutions for the one billion unemployed and underemployed worldwide, MonaVie has led the way in effectively elevating the lives of people in just about every socioeconomic situation imaginable.
And, Dallin Larsen says this is only the beginning of what MonaVie will become. “We have a vision of becoming a multi-billion dollar company led by world class executives and distributor leaders who will take the benefits and blessings of direct sales to the four corners of the world,” he says. “We don’t just want to be the best company in the world; our goal is to be the best company for the world.”

Jeff Cohen
Chief Marketing Officer

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