Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Drinking Coffee and Alcohol in the RVLution

You can eat or drink anything—there is nothing “off-limits” in the RVLution. The key word is moderation. The two most asked about beverages are coffee and alcohol. Lets discuss how to work both into your plan, starting with coffee.

Caffeine is a stimulant that suppresses your appetite, so when drinking caffeinated coffee drink it with a meal and be cautious when drinking it in the late afternoon or evening as it can interrupt your sleep cycles.

Many people enjoy an occasional alcoholic beverage; if that is you, here are some guidelines when drinking alcohol:
1. Limit alcohol consumption to a maximum of two to three drinks per week.
2. Avoid drinking sugary drinks, like daiquiris. These are loaded with empty calories.
3. Eat food when you drink. Eating food when you consume alcohol will help to maintain stable blood sugar levels. To prevent overconsumption of calories in a meal where you are also drinking alcohol, replace the heavy carbohydrates with lighter carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables. An example would be a piece of salmon (protein and fat), vegetables, and a glass of wine.
4. Avoid drinking alcohol at bedtime as it can interrupt your sleep cycle.

-Mark Macdonald

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