Friday, January 27, 2012


Lets face it, food tastes great and we want to be able to have a fun-filled “off plan” meal. Remember, the RVLution is all about making your health a lifestyle, and that means you need to go off plan occasionally. When you do go off plan, here are four guidelines that will minimize the damage (fat gain):

  1. Eat consistently throughout the day before your off plan meal. Fueling your body consistently keeps your metabolism humming and burning fat.
  2. Make the most of your off plan meal. Enjoy your favorite foods and make sure you feel content after the meal, because if you don’t, you may still crave an off plan meal. Use your weekly off plan meal to get it all out of your system; this approach will make it much easier to jump right back on plan afterward.
  3. Eat a half meal within four hours after your off plan meal. By eating a half meal of just protein and fat (no carbs) four hours afterward, your body will work at a faster pace to metabolize your off plan meal, minimizing any possible fat storage.
  4. Stay guilt free after your off plan meal. We all need to give ourselves some slack. Enjoy your off plan meal, and get back on track afterward. If for some reason you have a couple of off plan meals in a week, just let it go; guilt will get you nowhere.

    Ditch the Diet....Join the RVLution!!!

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