Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Elements - Nutritional Chemistry

Boost your little one’s health with the MonaVie CHTM vitamin and mineral supplement. Designed especially to meet the growing needs of kids, this deliciously fun formula provides the essential nutrients needed to strengthen the immune system, develop healthy bones and teeth, and correct nutritional deficiencies. Since nutrients are the building blocks of your child’s health, MonaVie CH utilizes MonaVie BioEssenceTM to increase the bioavailability of 18 essential vitamins and minerals (all at efficacious levels), providing a solid foundation to build on. It’s just what your child needs—with some added peace of mind for parents.
  • Features18 essential vitamins and minerals
  • Supports brain, eye, and immune health 
  • Helps build strong, healthy bones and teeth 
  • Rectifies nutritional deficiencies
  • Promotes optimal health and wellness
  • Protects DNA

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