Thursday, January 5, 2012

The 3 Factors to Stabilize Your Blood Sugar

By Mark Macdonald, RVL Spokesperson
  1. Meal Intervals – Your body is a “refuel as it goes” machine and needs to be fed consistently!  Eat one hour within waking (before exercise) to kick start your metabolism and then every 3 to 4 hours throughout the day until bedtime. Your last meal should fall within one hour of going to bed to help prepare your body for fasting.
Frequent meals will keep blood sugar levels steady and help to prevent you from overeating and spiking blood sugar or skipping a meal and causing blood sugar to drop too low.
2.  Nutrient Ratios - Each meal should have a balance of complete protein (animal or soy protein), with a small amount of healthy fat and a small amount of carbohydrates to keep blood sugar levels stable.  It is critical to get the correct nutrients (protein, carbohydrate and fat) in every meal. 
3.  Meal Size - Your body can only process a certain amount of food at once and eating smaller meals every few hours will keep blood sugar levels steady. Each meal should be roughly the same size (same amount of calories). 
Remember, every balanced meal you eat will stabilize your blood sugar to boost your metabolism, burn body fat, fuel your lean muscle, and increase your energy levels!  This is how you will take your body to the next level and achieve true Body Confidence (looking and feeling your very best)!

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