Tuesday, January 3, 2012

HCG Diet, Savior or Scam?

HCG Worthless as Weight-Loss Aid


A great article written by Dr Stephen Barrett, M.D., discussing the ineffectiveness of the HCG diet. He cites 18 Published Medical Journals, proving that it does not work. I would like to draw specific attention to #12 Ineffectiveness of human chorionic gonadotrophin in weight reduction: a double-blind study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 29:940–948, 1976. A double blind placebo study, where one group was given HCG the other group was given sugar water. "There is no statistically significant difference in the means of the 2 groups in number of injections received, weight loss, percent of weight loss, hip and waist circumference, weight loss per injection, or in hunger ratings. HCG does not appear to enhance the effectiveness of a rigidly imposed regimen for weight reduction." So the only reason they lost weight was do to caloric restriction, they were limited to 500 calories a day. Also HCG is a banned substance in all professional and competitive sports, remember pro baseball player Manny Ramirez and nfl player Brian Cushing. They were both suspended for testing positive for HCG. There are plenty of published medical journals which scientifaclly proves HCG does not promote weight loss, but I have yet to find even 1 published medical journal that proves that it works. Stay healthy!


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