Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ditch the Diet....Join the RVLution!

I love this little cartoon, but feel you should hear the rest of the story. So, I’ve taken the liberty of extending the narrative in this “almost Peanuts–worthy” cartoon.
Lucy: Don’t step on it…It makes you cry.
Sally: But I want to go on another yo-yo diet.
Lucy: You should ditch the diet, and join the MonaVie RVLution. You need to become a RVLutionary!
Sally: I need to become a what?
Lucy: A “RVLutionary.” It means that you are joining the MonaVie RVLution.
Sally: And what does that mean?
Lucy: It’s a 90-day challenge with MonaVie and Mark Macdonald to help you achieve your health-related goals—losing weight, getting fit, increasing metabolism, building lean muscle mass.
Sally: Who is Mark Macdonald?
Lucy: He is the NY Times bestselling author of Body Confidence, as well as the MonaVie RVL spokesperson.
Sally: So, he can help me diet?
Lucy: Not a diet. He wants you to look and feel your best. He’s got this whole comprehensive program!
Sally: Where can I learn more?
Lucy: You can learn more and sign up for the RVLution at
Sally: Count me in!

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