Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Truth about ORAC Scores (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity)

Im sure most of you have heard of the term: ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity).

ORAC assays measure the ability of an isolated nutrient to slow the degeneration of a synthetic fluorescent molecule in a test tube - essentially, ONE free radical - it has no bearing whatsoever on the actual antioxidant benefits of the nutrient in a living system.

Our bodies are not test tubes. Our bodies do not react the same way a compound reacts in a test tube. What we know about antioxidants is this; MORE are not necessarily BETTER.

So, what can most scientists agree on with respect to antioxidants?

It is important to get a wide variety of different types of antioxidants in the diet because different antioxidants counteract damage by different types of free radicals - and within different cellular compartments. Think: “Antioxidant Network” - that network being made up of 5 major classes of antioxidants: Vitamin E (family), Vitamin C (family), Carotenoids, Bioflavonoids, and Thiols - and your cells need representatives from each and every one of these categories in order to mount the strongest antioxidant defense.

My point: Forget ORAC! If anyone pitches you on ORAC - walk away. Variety is the key to antioxidant health and that variety happens to be found in MonaVie's portfolio of products especailly, our juices.


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