Sunday, July 22, 2012

Have you heard of Oliginol?

Have you heard of Oliginol? Have you struggled with visceral (abdominal) or (fat that surrounds in inner organs)? Do you know much about a proprietary extract from the Lychee fruit?

Oliginol is an proprietary extract derived from the Lychee fruit. Oliginol is found in MonaVie's RVL supplement. The science on Oliginol is quite strong and I wanted to share one of those studies with you. 

Researchers recruited 18 adult volunteers that had a waist circumference exceeding 85 cm. The subjects were between 24 and 59 years of age. Volunteers were randomly divided into two groups. One of the groups received a daily Oligonol dose of 50 milligrams. The other group received a placebo.

After 10 weeks of study:

Those in the Oligonol group lost about three centimetres in their waist size.
This same group experienced a 6 percent reduction in subcutaneous fat area.
Oligonol group participants also reported a 15 percent reduction in abdominal (visceral) fat.
Insulin resistance improved in the Oligonol group with increases in blood levels of adiponectin, a hormone that regulates a variety of metabolic processes, compared to the placebo group.

Remember, take your RVL supplement in between your meals with a RVL bar of your choice.

Article by Jeff Graham, Executive Vice President of Global Product Strategy


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