Sunday, July 15, 2012

22 Million Americans Are Unemployed or Can’t Find Full-Time Work

Yes, it’s an unfortunate reality. With headlines like this from the Bureau of Labor Statistics*, you can’t help but paint a gloomy picture in your mind about the jobless rate in the United States. A statistic like this is something we can all take to heart. It affects our family, neighbors, and friends. You, yourself, may even be one of the 22 million.
But there is good news to shed a little sunshine on this unfortunate reality— Community Commerce™.
Just look at the vast network of distributors and you’ll discover people who are proud to own their own business, make a consistent weekly income, and never have to worry about being employed again. There are thousands of stories of how Community Commerce has helped to save family homes, cars, and more—all during the greatest recession to hit since the Great Depression.

Click here to view “100 Testimonials in 100 Days” videos and learn about some of the remarkable stories of hope and success distributors have experienced.
* Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2012 

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