Thursday, January 26, 2012

Realize Weight Is Only Part Of The Equation

Your weight is only part of your goal. Trust me, if your goal is to lose weight, you will. But first, it’s important to understand that to permanently reprogram your metabolism and achieve your external goals, you must create a balanced internal environment. Here is a checklist for success that walks you through the process of ensuring you are achieving both your internal and external goals. Remember, the ultimate goal is to look and feel your very best.
  1. Increased Daily Energy
  2. Reduced Sugar Cravings
  3. Increased Daily Appetite
  4. Clothes Feeling Looser
  5. Looking Leaner in the Mirror
  6. Decreased Body Fat Percentage
  7. Decreased Body Weight
You must achieve all 7 steps in order to achieve long lasting results. If you only concentrate on what the scale says, you WILL put the weight back on. Ditch the Diet....Join the RVLution!!!

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