Thursday, December 29, 2011

Why most diet's don't work and why you can't keep the weight off

Most diet's don't work and if they do help you lose the weight, chances are you will put it back on. Has anyone lost weight with a diet and put it all back on? One key component that most diet's don't teach you, to lose the weight and keep the weight off, is maintaing a proper blood sugar level. In order to burn fat, you must maintain a blood sugar level between 80-120 mg/dl. The typical person waits too long to eat breakfast after waking up. When you finally eat breakfast your blood sugar level spikes well above 120 mg/dl and in this range you are storing fat. Then you get busy or you aren't hungry and miss lunch which makes your blood sugar level fall well below 80 mg/dl and in this range you are burning muscle. Then you get home and eat a huge dinner because you're starving and your blood sugar level spikes again above 120 mg/dl. Once again at this level you are now storing fat. Then you don't eat for the rest of the night and your blood sugar level dips back below 80 mg/dl, once again burning muscle. Does this sound like anyone you know? You spent your whole day storing fat and burning muscle. This January with the RVLution, we will teach you how to keep your blood sugar levels between 80-120 mg/dl all day, thus burning fat and maintaining lean muscle mass. While consuming smart calories, you will be focusing on nutrient density getting the most nutrition per calorie. We aren't counting calories, carbs or points, you will lose the weight and finally keep it off!!! All the best on your weight loss journey. -Carrie

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